CHAPTER iii / Guaranteed Protection

Guaranteed Protection

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A third example is found in the verse in which God guarantees to protect His Messenger and assures him of his safety until he has completed his task of conveying God’s message:

“O you Messenger of God! Proclaim what is revealed to you from your Lord. If you do not, you will then have failed to convey His message. God will protect you from all people.”

(5: 67.)

Such a guarantee cannot be claimed by any human being, not even by a king who is well screened, and with a military cordon protecting him wherever he goes.

How often have kings and rulers been assassinated, even when they were in a procession, surrounded by guards and soldiers? Consider, then, how literally the Prophet took this true promise. AlTirmidhi and Al-Ḥākim relate on the authority of ᶜĀ’ishah, the Prophet’s wife, and alṬabarāni relates on the authority of Abu Saᶜīd Al-Khudri that “the Prophet used to have guards at night. When this verse was revealed, he dismissed his guards saying to them, ‘You may go home, for God has given me His protection.’”

God indeed protected him from his enemies in many situations when death was so close and when only God’s protection could have saved him. One of these events is reported by both Ibn Ḥibbān and Muslim in their authentic collections of hadiths:

“Whenever we were travelling with the Prophet and came to a tree with extended shade, we left it to God’s Messenger (peace be upon him). When we were on the expedition known as Dhat-al-Riqāᶜ, the Prophet reclined under a tree after having hung his sword from one of its branches. A man from the idolaters came up to him and drew his sword and said to the Prophet, ‘Do you fear me?’ The Prophet said, ‘No.’ The man asked him, ‘Who will protect you from me.’ The Prophet answered, ‘God will protect me from you. Put down that sword.’ The man put it down.” It is sufficient to remember that this took place during an expedition in which the Muslim army went through great difficulty and when the form of prayer that applies in situations of extreme fear was allowed for the first time.

Another great event that gives credence to this true promise is the Prophet’s remarkable attitude in the Battle of Ḥunayn.

At one point in the Battle, the Prophet found himself alone, surrounded by the enemy, while the Muslim soldiers were in a panic, running away in all directions. He was riding a mule, and he pushed it to run towards the enemy. His uncle, alᶜAbbās ibn ᶜAbd al-Muṭṭablib, took up its reign trying to restrain it.

The unbelievers were soon coming up to him. When they surrounded him, he did not even try to turn back. In fact, he dismounted to make himself an easier target. He said to them: “I am God’s Prophet, no doubt. I am ᶜAbd al-Muṭṭalib’s grandson.”

In fact, he was challenging them, pointing out his position to them. By God, they could not touch him. For God supported him with His own soldiers and restrained his enemies’ hands with His own. This hadith is highly authentic, related by al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad and many others.

Thus God ensured that he stayed among his community, working hard to convey His message and fulfil His trust. When he had completed his task, He revealed to him the verse that says:

“This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favours to you. I have chosen self-surrender [i.e. Islam] to be your faith.”

(5: 3.)

The examples that we have given so far are prophesies of the first type. They speak of the future of the religion of Islam, and what may happen to the Qur’an or the Prophet. They provide clear proof that the source of the Qur’an is God Himself.

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Promises for the Future

The second type of prophesies relate to the future of the new faith and those who accepted its message in the early days.